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Neshaminy football finishes 2015 season

About:  In the fall of my sophomore year I was a reporter for my High School Football team's website. Although my only job was to write play-by-play summaries of the games, I stood on the sidelines with my camera as well as my pen. This photo resulted from that process, and was later used by the Playwickian in their June edition of the paper inside of a larger photo collage. This photo was taken on a Cannon EOS 70-D camera. 

About:  This photo was taken at the graduation of my High School's senior class. Although I was there as a courtesy to my friends, this picture and several others turned out so well that we used them in the Playwickian later. This photo was taken on a Cannon EOS 70-D camera. 

Seniors leave class at Neshaminy for last time

Neshaminy students celebrate Gym Night tradition

About:  This photo was taken at an event referred to as Gym Night, which is a bit like a mix between a dance off and field day, where students from either side of the alphabet compete against each other. This fairly-standard coverage brought out a lot of action shots for the newspaper to use, which were employed in a photo story which can be found in the March 2015 copy of the Playwickian Archives. This photo was taken on a Cannon EOS 70-D camera. 

Following Sanders campaign, Americans demand change

About:  Outside of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, on the way to lunch, I saw this woman. I quickly snapped a picture, and when I got home I removed color from the foreground and background. It was used in my coverage of the Democratic Convention, and is probably the most fitting photo when it is considered that the coverage focused on the discontent that existed at the time within the Democratic Party. This photo was taken on a Cannon EOS 70-D camera. 

Firefighters respond to arson in local park

About:  This photo was taken in the spring of my freshman year, in one of those moments where I was caught up in the news by chance. I was sitting with a friend of mine in Chickenfoot park-- a county park which most people assume is just a patch of woods-- when some vandals on the other end lit it on fire. I used his cell phone ( a 2013 android, so the photo quality isn't the best) to take a few photos that my paper used as a photo story. There was little damage to the forest, with mostly just leaves and small bushes having caught fire due to the dampness of the area at the time.

Protests erupt in D.C. following Dakota Access Pipeline continuance 

About:  This photo was taken in early December of 2016 on a cold D.C. afternoon. I traveled to the city to protest with some friends of mine I took this photo on my iPhone 5s for my newspaper to use, should we ever write a piece on the protests. Although that never happened, and the quality isn't great, I always found this photo to be powerful in its own right.

Neshaminy baseball starts 2015 season

About:  Taken in the spring of 2015 at a baseball game between my high school and our rival school, Pennsbury, this photo was used in our next print edition's sports layout. It was taken on an Olympus Tough tg-4 camera. 

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